Thursday, October 02, 2008

Feelin' Blue...and a Little Green Too

If you've checked my blog in the last couple of days, you will have noticed that I missed Open House Tuesday yet again. I'd like to offer my sincerest apologies and show you what I was doing instead. You'll remember that last week it was the floors and this week it was...

The walls. See how much nicer the blue looks than the yellow? I know there were some of you that liked it and if I was only looking at the pictures posted I would have thought so too. But the floors photographed less yellow than they actually are and the two together was too much yellow. Chloe didn't even like it. This blue is a bit darker than I thought I would go for but I was sick of looking at swatches and making decisions and Travis liked this one and I just said "you pick it". So here it is. It looks darker at night but overall I like it. And I think it makes the floors look less yellow.You'll notice that I *still* haven't painted that darn paneling but I'm going to. I would have tried the other night but I ran out of primer and I knew that in order to get the house to be liveable again I had to finish the main walls. Then I could move the furniture out of the living room. And I have to tell you it's hard to live in a 10 X 15 living room with two rooms of furniture in it. And I really like pumpkin with it. Yes, that is my little pumpkin's pumpkin. I had to cut it when it was still green because the plant was rapidly dying but a couple of weeks in the sun turned her a beautiful shade of orange. I'm not sure how long she'll last as she had a big run in with a window last night and has a pretty big gash on the her not photographed side but at least I got a picture. I'll get a picture of Chloe with her today and send it to her first grade teacher. I hope she appreciates all the trouble I went through for this. I don't think I'll be growing a pumpkin again unless I can actually till up the ground and grow it like it's intended- not in a container. That was really hard. Not to mention pricey. I could have bought 3 huge carving pumpkins for the price of this little one *but* it was fun for Chloe and in that sense it was totally worth it.
We still have tons of work to do before Trav's mom gets here, I'm a little stressed. But somehow we always manage to pull it off.

And, duh, I forgot the green part. We used Olympic paint from Lowe's. I didn't even realize that it was a zeroVOC paint because it only says it on a little label on the side and Lowe's had printed out an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper with a little did you know...? You'd think it would be trumpeted from the rooftops that it's a "green" paint. My guess is that they're way too busy marketing their Valspar brand. Anyway, I was really surprised that it actually costs a few dollars *less* than the regular paint. So, less money *and* less toxic fumes? Sold.


Anonymous said...

Love. love, love the new paint. It looks great with the floors. Great job Travis. I'm so glad Chloe's little pumpkin made it.

Tisra said...

That is beautiful! Hooray for you guys! And - wow!- look at that little pumpkin!

Christy said...

I really like the paint! It's such a gorgeous slate-y blue. Don't you always have to so much more gray with a blue to get a good color?
Anyway. Blue is my favorite color. Hooray!

Amy Button said...

Yes, you do have to go more gray otherwise you end up with a powdery blue- not my fave. This was in the gray section and I really like it.

Mary said...

It looks great!

Forever Amber said...

I'm not even a fan of blue and I love it. It looks so fresh and nice in there! Paint is wonderful.