Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Saying Goodbye...

Sad but true...our kitties said goodbye tonight. It's a long story but (with help from a few friends) I came to realize that most (if not all) of my current health issues are related to the cats. I never knew that being allergic to an animal could make somebody so sick. But they did and after weeks of searching we've found a new home for them. Even though I was sad that they had to go, I'm pretty excited now. I actually made them spend the night outside last night because I couldn't take it anymore. And you know what? For the first time in I don't know how long, I woke up without feeling like I had the flu or with a headache. I actually went for a walk this morning instead of sleeping the moring away just to get up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. The difference was immediate and amazing. I actually expected it to take much longer to feel better.

This is Halle with Phoenix and they looked this way pretty much every time they were together.
Chloe with Phoenix...sniff. And well, I guess these are all of Phoenix.
There were more than a few tears today but I think that tomorrow will look much brighter.


Tisra said...

Ugh. I'm so sorry. I know that this is miserable for the kids, and the only reason you kept them was *for the kids* so it seems really unfair to them, I suppose. With time, I'm sure they'll understand or at least ... forget. I think it's incredibly reassuring that you feel better already. Truly, I'm surprised. I'd thing you would have to super-clean everything before relief. Gosh, imagine when all the hair and dander is gone! You'll be a new woman!

Forever Amber said...

Amy - so sad :( What a beautiful kitty and so cute and tolerable with the kiddos. I can certainly understand your delimma though. Been there. Done that. :)

Christy said...

Oh, I'm sorry. It's never easy to say goodbye to something you love.
Here's hoping the feeling-better trend continues.

Mary said...

Sorry about the cats, but I'm more glad that you're feeling better.

Amy Button said...

Amber- he is a beautiful cat. We found him when he weighed .7 pounds, yeah, .7. He was dehydrated and not even 4 weeks old. We bottle fed him and Amanda stayed up with him at night to feed him every 3 hours so this was really hard. I miss Sophie too, she was our first cat. I didn't really like Bailey but she's sweet too. Whiny but sweet.

I still have to de-catify (is that a word?) the house. So I expect it to get much better around here. I miss them even though they drove me crazy :(

Mary said...

The cat's full name isn't Pheonix Dirk Dark is it? Did you watch that movie with us? I just looked at the pictures again (which are adorable by the way) and his black fur made me think of Mr. Furious.

He is beautiful...did he go somewhere the girls can visit him?

Amy Button said...

Mary- Ha! That's funny. Yeah, we watched that with you guys and about 100 times since then.

He isn't in a place that they can visit but he is in a place that he needs to be adopted. We're not telling the girls where they are but if someone wanted to adopt them I could let them know.