Sunday, May 22, 2005

We have a breakthrough!!!

Halle has a tooth!!! Well, she's going to anyway. When she stuck my finger in her mouth this morning (to chew on it) I felt the sharpness of a little tooth that has just broken through her little gums. I'm sad. She's our last baby and my days of toothless grins are coming to an end :(


Tisra said...

Oh my goodness!!!

Mary said...

You and your early teethers.

Amy Button said...

Well, it might seem early but she is 5 months old. I think that's average, isn't it? Chloe was the phenomenon at 9 wks.

Mary said...

Yes, you're right. I think 4 to 7 months is average, but Owen was so slow about it, I guess it just seems early to me.

Anonymous said...

Don't be sad! It is a joyous occasion!

Joyce said...

Travis had four teeth at 3 months old, now that I think about it. The pediatrician, at that time, thought that was amazing......