Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Christy is having a no pants summer and Tisra is having a no microwave summer then the Buttons are having...wait for it...a no cable summer! Yes, it's true. I have to give up HGTV and Food Network for a whole summer, sniff, sniff. But I think we're having much more fun than if my kids sat around at night and watched me watch Good Eats. And I really, truly love Alton Brown. So here are some pictures of what we're doing instead.

We finally went to Fort Granger which you can access through Pinkerton Park (just a little FYI, they're showing Ratatouille on August 23rd at 8:00 and find the other movie nights and times here). It was a little disappointing that the fort wasn't still standing but the hike was very nice and was easily doable by the little ones. Besides the extreme humidity (and I'm talking FL humidity here) it was perfect.

I love summer!


Tisra said...

I was slightly disappointed last summer, too, that there was no "fort". But, Eric (Mr. History) schooled me and said that a fort isn't always a structure in the way we think of it- sometimes it's simply the "base" that the soldiers hold their ground from. As we walked around the top of that hill, the signs pointed out exactly that- that the fort was mostly earthworks (dirt and stone small walls). This allowed for a smaller cost (of course!), and for more men to be positioned at one point. So I learned something, and now so have you. :-)

I'd be totally game for a no cable summer (ever?). Great idea. I'm sure you'll reap plenty of family moments!

Anonymous said...

I'm game for no cable forever-- well, for a week, then (my Peter Pan quote). Seriously, I resent paying to watch TV, anyway. I'm sure we're all healthier and happier doing outside stuff.


Mary said...

Very good. We're having a no restrictions summer. I'm totally in pants, using electricity, microwaving everything in sight and leave the cable on even when no one is watching. I feel that to say no to such things would somehow draw me back to my Amish roots and I would eventually be digging a hole for an outhouse and sewing suspenders on all of Kris' pants. It really scares me.

Amy Button said...

Yeah, Travis and I had the Amish discussion and how great it would be and how they're not bound by electricity, blah, blah, blah. But they're bound by everything else. If you're gifted in neuroscience forget it! You're going to be a farmer! And like it!

Anonymous said...

Okay, Mary's comment was really funny. And, since it's not the Sabbath, I am laughing out loud at it.


Christy said...

An excellent idea! (We don't have cable anyway, or I'd join you. We've been thinking about doing it, but maybe I'll delay a bit longer...)
Mary, I just really want to see Kris in suspenders all the time. That thought makes me laugh a lot.