Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I think I'm behind about 3 blog posts now. But I've been really sick for the last few days and haven't had the strength to do much more than watch full episodes of HGTV shows online. Ooh, did I mention that you can watch full episodes of HGTV shows online? I don't usually take the opportunity to watch unless I'm working out or sick, so needless to say I watched *a lot* of HGTV this weekend. I always feel guilty for not paying attention to the girls and leaving Trav to do all of the kid related work. But sleeping helped and I'm able to walk around today- thankfully.

So, in catching up news:

Chloe's class party was this past Friday and it was completely chaotic. I had it planned out and delegated but when it came to party time two of the moms showed up late. That's *half* of the party that showed up late. Fortunately a mom that wasn't on the list of helpers came and brought a snack and helped with our game. So instead of having a group of 5 kids at each station we had half the class at one table and the other half playing a game. They didn't rotate after a certain amount of time and just bounced all over the place. But on the bright side kids like for things to be chaotic, my party is over for the year so I don't have to worry about it anymore *and* I was wearing a new pair of jeans one size smaller that fit perfectly so it almost doesn't matter, right? But you'd like to see pics of the festivities wouldn't you?

This is what happens when you let the kiddos decorate their own cookies- a frosting mountain that made this little guy sick. He couldn't finish it and had to get some water.

The girls were much more restrained in the amount of frosting- and they made much less of a mess.

Chloe was *super* excited that I was the mom "in charge". She talked the night before about my in charge-ness. And Halle was a perfect little angel- even Chloe's teacher commented on how good she was.This is "pin the nose on the scarecrow". Easy peasy and quite the crowd pleaser.And the only quiet moment of the whole party was when Chloe's teacher sat everyone down to read a story. Later that night we took the kiddos to the mall (they weren't even in costumes) to get some candy. Every year I think about taking them down main street to the historic homes because a lot of the homes have candy and special stuff. One house was showing episodes of the Muensters outside on a big screen and another house sets up a pumpkin house in their garage. I don't know what's in there but it looks like fun. Maybe we'll do it next year.

In other news- here's the little kitten I rescued a couple of weeks ago. I had just walked out the front door to get Chloe from school when I heard a meow. I looked over and saw the tiniest furball I think I'd ever seen, sitting at the corner of the next door neighbors house. As tiny as he was and with as many stray cats as we have in our neighborhood I was certain that this was a kitten rescue and not me stealing my next door neighbors kitten. He ran away from me and hid under some bushes so I knocked on Amanda's window and said "get out here now"! She ran outside, hurting her knee in the process (but it's nice that my kid just ran outside because I told her to) and went into kitten rescue mode. I pulled him out of the bushes, we took him inside and Amanda started making phone calls. One to happy tales humane center to see if they could take him and then one to the vet to see what to do. I had to leave to get Chloe but got a tearful call from Amanda while I was waiting. She asked me to pray for the kitten because she was afraid he'd die. After school was out we raced to the vet and found out that he was about 4 weeks old and that he was dehydrated- good to know that we hadn't hijacked a kitten that was being well cared for by his mommy. We'd need to bottle feed him and help him, um, "go" to the bathroom. I'm not going to write about that because it's icky but thankfully we only did that for a couple of days. He was so scrawny his backbone, ribs and hipbones were protruding (although you couldn't see them under all that fur). But after two weeks at the Button casa he's a chubby little kitty that loves to eat and chases our two bigger cats through the house. And his name is Phoenix. We weren't sure if we'd keep him at first but some things are just meant to be. So we have our first boy kitty and Travis has some male company.

OK, seriously, isn't he cute?

I don't remember what the third thing was that I had to blog about. Oh, I think it was Open House Tuesday, but that's just going to have to wait.


Christy said...

It's perfectly fine for Open House to wait....sounds like you still could use a little recuperating time! Enjoy it and try not to feel guilty.
And oh my goodness - that kitten is 100% cute.
I love Chloe's face in the cookie decorating picture. Pride in one's mommy - it's a lovely thing while it lasts.

Mary said...

I remember how proud I was when my mom would bring things to school for my class. I was nearly in tears at times. I loved it when people loved my mom and her yummy baking.

I'm sorry that you have been so sick. I'm glad that HGTV was there for you to get you through it all.

Tisra said...

That little phoenix is scrumptious and I'm not a cat person! So sweet. I'm also happy for Travis- that guy needed another male in the house!

Amy Button said...

Phoenix really is the sweetest. The vet tech told us that bottle kittens are much more snuggly and that males are more affectionate to boot. This guy actually gives hugs in the morning. I'm positively smitten.

Joyce said...

My daughter-in-law and granddaughter--the cat rescuers! There ought to be a place in heaven for people who have tender hearts towards animals.....Phoenix looks like a cutie who has captured
hearts at the Button house....

Joyce said...

I meant a "special" place in heaven!

Ms. Tee said...

Oh gosh, he is sooo cute! We got our kitten after we saw someone toss her out of a car. We've had her for 3 years now and she's part of the family. :) How sweet that you all rescued him!

Amy Button said...

I can't even believe that someone would throw a kitten out of the window! How awful! Kudos to you for rescuing her and giving her a home.

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Oh! That kitten is sooo sweet! I just want to school him right up.

Man, I've been sick as a dog all week, myself. I feel for you. Maybe I would've felt better if I'd thought to watch HGTV eps online like you did! -Julia :-)

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Ha. I'm clearly not 100% yet since I wrote that I wanted to "school" the kitty up. I meant "scoop." "Scoop him up." Maybe I should go lie down a bit... Ha.

Amy Button said...

Julia- too funny. I feel for you. Get some rest.