Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's a Girl...Maybe...

Well, it seems like fertilization happened and we have a baby pumpkin. I'm still crossing my fingers because when growing things you should never have all your hopes in one fruit in case something happens. And as it stands right now, out of 4 female blooms this is the only one that hasn't been aborted (the pumpkin aborts fruit if conditions aren't right). I noticed that the stem has gotten lighter green and I don't know if the plant will abort fruit at this stage or not. It's been a bit of a challenge for this amateur gardener but the joy on Chloe's face when she looks at it has been worth it. It's not exactly cost effective as I figure this pumpkin has cost about $20 but we can say we did it, right?


Mary said...

I was just thinking yesterday that I should ask for another pumpkin picture. I hope she does well!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the look on your husband's face. Growing pumpkins is fun!


Tisra said...

Did you calculate your water usage?!

Amy Button said...

No. I haven't added the water into it. I only calculated the cost of the pot, potting soil, and fungicide...

Anonymous said...

Lest my last comment be cast in a sarcastic light, I was actually being serious about pumpkin growing being fun. I check on it almost daily to see how big it has gotten. It's pretty cool.


Christy said...

What a precious wee pumpkin! I do love her. Hope she keeps growing :)