Hmmm, where to start?
Last week was kind of a bummer that put us in a funk for a while. Without going into it too much, Eric called and offered Travis his old job back at a humongous raise (it's nice to be loved). I think we knew immediately that it wasn't something we should pursue but that was the hardest decision we've ever made. Anyway, a week of the blues ensued.
We had Chloe's birthday party on Friday since Trav, Halle, and I had to go to Atlanta on Saturday for an Arbonne convention.
The convention was good. If it didn't do anything else it showed me that I have a personal journey to take, not just monetarily, but there are some kinks I need to work out. You know, comfort zone and all.
Anyway, Halle has two teeth now and Chloe is a beautiful 4 year old. Wow, time flies!
Amanda is grounded for two months. It's a long story, again, last week was rough.
More later...
I figured the job decision might ache a bit, but better to have had a choice than him not offer it at all. Right?
Sounds like it was a rough week. I thought about Chloe a lot on her birthday. Four. Wow. Halle has teeth. Wow. These kiddos are growing too fast. And AMANDA!- what happened?! (Being grounded is also an indication of growth...I remember when she was still getting spankings for punishment.)
Yeah, better to have loved an lost, etc...
It's not just the job it was as much the thought of being back with you guys that was as difficult as anything else.
Amanda has computer issues. Not like she's looking at bad stuff, it's just that no matter what rules we lay down for how long she can be on the computer she breaks them. She has never had self control on that issue so we've helped her out some. It's going to be a boring summer- for her.
that stinks about Amanda
So sending Amanda an e-card is not a good idea? (please read that with the sarcasm font)
I'm glad the convention went well...sure wish we could have seen you though. Hopefully soon we'll have another opportunity to drive down and maybe even give you some notice.
Actually, I love spontaneous things. And I hardly ever have plans for the weekend, except this past weekend. Travis has this Saturday off too so we don't know what to do with ourselves. Hopefully soon we can all get together.
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