Tuesday, April 12, 2005

On the Road Again

Well, this weekend it's time to hit the road again in the name of Arbonne. This little excursion should be nice since we haven't been to Florida in over a year and a half. This trip will accomplish a couple of things, first I'm doing 4 shows while we're there and second I'll get to see friends and family that I haven't seen in a while.

My first show is at Tracy's house. Tracy is my best friend from first grade! I was figuring it out the other day and we've been friends for 26 years! It's amazing, no? I'll get to see her kids, she'll get to see mine and we'll talk about the days when we were hooligans; we really were. Then we'll talk about husbands and all things girlie, it should be lots of fun.

My second and third shows are at my sister-in-law's homes- Wendy, then Angie. I'm sure their only doing this because we're related but it will be lots of fun anyway.

My last show is at my Mother-In-Law's house and I'm sure it will be great. She is very much into health as well so we'll have a good time.

In between I'll be squeezing in visits with the grandparents and aunts and uncles. I'm expecting this to be somewhat stressful but I'm going to do my best. And I'm going to spend 3 extra days there just so we can go to the beach, hang out at the pool, and go shopping. Basically so we can do all things Florida. I'd like to visit Disney Village again, but Orlando is way out of the way. I may have to save that for July.

Speaking of July:

I told a few of you about the condo owner wiping out our bank account. Well, we got it straightened out but since we asked her to pay the NSF fees (since she caused them) she said that was fine, but she'd cancel our reservation (how's that for customer service!). Anyway, it's ok because we'll probably go back to central FL and visit with family again but this time with Trav so he can see his family as well.

I'm not looking forward to the car trips there and back. I haven't made this long of a car trip by myself since I was in college. Actually, it was Amanda and me. It never seemed stressful because she was 6 or 7 and could do everything for herself and it was nice to have the company. But now I have 3 and I'm nursing one of them so I hope this goes well.


Tisra said...

Talk about starting with a bang! How exciting.

Amy Button said...

It is exciting; if I could just squeeze 4 more shows in this month...

Mary said...

the weather was beautiful down there last week...I know you will have a great time. I doubt anyone invited my mother in law to any of those classes but I really wish she could hear about Arbonne.

Angie said...

Hey Mary! She is welcome to come to the class at my house. I will e-mail her the time and date.

Mary said...

That would be great Angie! I'll e-mail her and plug it too. Do you have her e-mail address?

Angie said...

I sent it to lkelso@hotmail.com.
Please let me know if it has changed. If Ursula is interested she can come too!

Amy Button said...

Wow, I missed that whole thing but I was in Florida...