Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This weekend is "A Dickens of a Christmas" in Franklin. My parents will be in town and I think this would be a great community thing to take them to. There is a "wave down" spot at the end of our street for the trolley so maybe we'll take that rather than fight the traffic to get into town and you usually have to pay to park so we'll see. But if anyone wanted to go we could meet there or you could park here. Maybe this will help me get into the Christmas spirit because I'm not feeling it yet.


Tisra said...

Okay, that looks really sweet! I want roasted chestnuts! I love rosted chestnuts! But, for being half Bristish, I really stink at donning an accent! I'll talk to Eric, maybe we'll join you.

Amy Button said...

I know doesn't it sound so Stars Hollow-ish?

Tisra said...

That's what I've been telling Eric- "Franklin is Star's Hollow!" Too funny. Gilmore Girls fans UNITE! Hee.