Saturday, August 15, 2009


Guess who came to see me today. Allright, he didn't come to see me but I'm thankful that Travis had the camera handy. Yes, my sweet hubbie took this picture. Isn't he gorgeous? I never thought I'd get one this close up.
I had such big plans for this Saturday. Really. And I still feel not so fantastic. Even so I was determined to work through it and do my big project anyway. But my body won and I'll be watching a movie with the girls instead. Bummer. I *really* wanted to get this thing done. On the upside though Travis is doing the floors inside the hall closet and I really hope that he'll have the other finish work done on the floors by the end of the weekend. Oh and there's my birdie friend again.... And again. He's hard to see in this one but look towards the top. You get "Where's Waldo" points if you find him. Travis was very determined to sneak up on him and get some good pictures for me. He loves me. And thus concludes my blogging week. I'm a bit bummed that I didn't blog on Tuesday but I'll just have to be OK with it. Now I'm going to grab a blanket and lay on the couch and watch something ridiculous with my kids. It never ceases to amaze me that they can watch the same thing over and over and over. I'm still hoping I can summon the strength to do my project. I'm determined to get it done this week. I'll let you know what it is once we're done.


Mary said...

You're not tearing the wall down are you? I'm all curious.

Christy said...

Oh! What a stunning little friend! Birdies make me so happy :) Tell Trav thanks for the photos!

Amy Button said...

Mary, I'd love nothing more than to be allowed to sledge hammer that wall down :) But I'm not allowed :( It's lode bearing and there's electricity running through it so it's just not going to happen while we live here. My project is much smaller than that.

Christy, Travis was very proud of his picture and I told him you said thanks :)

Tisra said...

"blogging week"????? I'm going to have to catch up on back-reading Lemons and Roses!!!! My alert service is the only way I check blogs now, and why-o-why doesn't Bloglines show me you've updated anymore? :-(

Amy Button said...

Hmmm, maybe bloglines hates me? Kidding. For some reason I can't get updates on Angie's blog even though it's blogger. I usually just chalk it up to Blogger being "glitchy" sometimes.

Ms. Tee said...

what a cute little bird - love the yellow! Hope you have a good weekend watching movies with your girls. :)